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Version: XState v5


Testing logic​

Testing actor logic is important for ensuring that the logic is correct and that it behaves as expected. You can test your state machines and actors using various testing libraries and tools. You should follow the Arrange, Act, Assert pattern when writing tests for your state machines and actors:

  • Arrange - set up the test by creating the actor logics (such as a state machine) and the actors from the actor logics.
  • Act - send event(s) to the actor(s).
  • Assert - assert that the actor(s) reached their expected state(s) and/or executed the expected side effects.
import { setup, createActor } from 'xstate';
import { test, expect } from 'vitest';

test('some actor', async () => {
const notifiedMessages: string[] = [];

// 1. Arrange
const machine = setup({
actions: {
notify: (_, params) => {
initial: 'inactive',
states: {
inactive: {
on: { toggle: { target: 'active' } }
active: {
entry: { type: 'notify', params: { message: 'Active!' } },
on: { toggle: { target: 'inactive' } }

const actor = createActor(machine);

// 2. Act
actor.send({ type: 'toggle' }); // => should be in 'active' state
actor.send({ type: 'toggle' }); // => should be in 'inactive' state
actor.send({ type: 'toggle' }); // => should be in 'active' state

// 3. Assert
expect(notifiedMessages).toEqual(['Active!', 'Active!']);;

Testing actors​

Coming soon

Mocking effects​

Coming soon

Using @xstate/test​

Coming soon