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Version: XState v5

Callback Actors

Callback actors are actors whose logic is represented by a function that can "callback" to the parent actor by sending events (via sendBack(...)). It can also receive(...) events from other actors.

Callback actor capabilities

Receive eventsCallback actors can receive events via the receive(event => {...}) function.
Send eventsCallback actors can send events to its parent via sendBack(event), or to other actors it has reference to, such as those provided in its input.
Spawn actorsCallback actors currently cannot spawn new actors.
InputYou can provide input to callback actors.
OutputCallback actors currently do not produce output – they are active indefinitely until they are stopped or an error occurs.

Callback actor logic

You can define callback actor logic using the fromCallback(...) actor logic creator, which takes a callback function and returns actor logic that can be used to create callback actors.

import { createActor, createMachine, fromCallback, sendTo, setup } from 'xstate';

const resizeLogic = fromCallback(({ sendBack, receive }) => {
const resizeHandler = (event) => {

window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler);

const removeListener = () => {
window.removeEventListener('resize', resizeHandler);

receive(event => {
if (event.type === 'stopListening') {
console.log('Stopping listening');

// Cleanup function
return () => {
console.log('Cleaning up');

const machine = setup({
actors: {
invoke: {
id: 'resize',
src: 'resizeLogic'
on: {
stop: {
actions: sendTo('resize', { type: 'stopListening' })

const actor = createActor(machine);

actor.send({ type: 'stop' });
// logs "Stopping listening" from callback actor

// logs "Cleaning up" from callback actor

Callback actor input

You can pass input when creating callback actors, which is passed to the callback actor logic in the input property of the first argument.

import {
type EventObject
} from 'xstate';

const resizeLogic = fromCallback<EventObject, { defaultSize: number }>(({
input // Typed as { defaultSize: number }
}) => {
input.defaultSize; // 100
// ...

const machine = setup({
actors: {
// ...
invoke: {
src: 'resizeLogic',
input: {
defaultSize: 100