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Version: XState v4

When to use @xstate/test

When you discover a new tool, it’s tempting to use that tool for everything. Model-based testing is good for many use cases but not for all use cases.

Let’s explore what makes a good candidate for model-based testing.

Long setup​

@xstate/test is most useful when what you’re testing requires a lengthy, complex setup. For example, if you were manually testing a multi-step form, you might need to input the same fields again and again to perform the tests.

In these situations, @xstate/test shines because it can automate a lot of the setup for you over multiple tests.

However, many tests require no setup at all. Take the following function for example:

const add = (a: number, b: number) => {
return a + b;

The add function requires no setup whatsoever and can be tested as follows:

it('Should add numbers together', () => {
expect(add(1, 2)).toEqual(3);

In general, you should avoid using model-based testing in situations that require no setup.

Examples of long setups​

  • Testing frontend applications that can be in complex states.
  • Testing backend methods where the database needs to be set up into a certain state before it can be tested.
  • Testing flows with mocked dependencies which need to be set up in different ways before assertions are run.

Examples of short setups​