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54 posts tagged with “xstate”

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2 minute read

Laura Kalbag

As part of helping make learning about state machines, the actor model, and XState easier, we’ve been working hard on creating examples for the community. One of the most frequently requested examples has been server-side workflows. And now they’re here! We’ve got 25 new examples specifically for this purpose in the XState GitHub repo.

2 minute read

Laura Kalbag

Two weeks ago, we had what some have called our “best office hours yet.” We introduced a whole bunch of new features and improvements to Stately Studio, including with our new starter machine, annotations, embed mode, and version history. We also gave the first peek at our most significant editor update to date; we call it “codename: blocks,” check out the video to find out why!

3 minute read

Laura Kalbag

The time has finally come; our new docs are ready to share with you all. If you’ve been following our office hours, you know I’ve been talking about these docs for a long time. Thanks to Anders, who used Docusaurus to build us a rock solid easily-maintainable platform with search that actually works, and the whole team, who have contributed reviews, explainers, and examples to get these docs started.

3 minute read

Laura Kalbag

The Stately team has got some huge features to share with you soon. We’ve been working hard through the summer, which is why we’re already halfway into September by the time I’ve gotten around to this update post.