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Version: XState v5


Version 2.x (Version 3.x docs)

XState Store is a small library for simple state management in JavaScript/TypeScript applications. It is meant for updating store data using events for vanilla JavaScript/TypeScript apps, React apps, and more. It is comparable to libraries like Zustand, Redux, and Pinia. For more complex state management, you should use XState instead, or you can use XState Store with XState.


npm install @xstate/store

Quick start​

import { createStore } from '@xstate/store';

const store = createStore({
// Initial context
context: { count: 0, name: 'David' },
// Transitions
on: {
inc: (context) => ({
count: context.count + 1,
add: (context, event: { num: number }) => ({
count: context.count + event.num,
changeName: (context, event: { newName: string }) => ({
name: event.newName,

// Get the current state (snapshot)
// => {
// status: 'active',
// context: { count: 0, name: 'David' }
// }

// Subscribe to snapshot changes
store.subscribe((snapshot) => {

// Send an event
store.send({ type: 'inc' });
// logs { count: 1, name: 'David' }

store.send({ type: 'add', num: 10 });
// logs { count: 11, name: 'David' }

store.send({ type: 'changeName', newName: 'Jenny' });
// logs { count: 11, name: 'Jenny' }

Creating a store​

To create a store, you need to pass an object to the createStore(…) function with the following properties:

  1. The initial context
  2. An on object for transitions (event handlers) where:
  • The keys are the event types (e.g. "inc", "add", "changeName")
  • The values are the context updates to apply when the event is sent to the store, as either an object or a function.

Updating context in transitions is similar to using the assign action in XState. You can update specific context properties by using an object:

import { createStore } from '@xstate/store';

const store = createStore({
context: { count: 0, incremented: false /* ... */ },
on: {
inc: {
count: (context, event: { by: number }) => context.count +,
// Static values do not need to be wrapped in a function
incremented: true,

Or you can update the entire context by using a function:

import { createStore } from '@xstate/store';

const store = createStore({
context: { count: 0, incremented: false /* ... */ },
on: {
inc: (context, event: { by: number }) => {
// ...

return {
count: context.count +,
incremented: true,

You can spread the ...context when updating the entire context with a function. This is useful when you want to preserve other properties in the context:

import { createStore } from '@xstate/store';

const store = createStore({
context: { count: 0, incremented: false /* ... */ },
on: {
reset: (context, event) => {
// You can use `...context` to preserve other properties
return {
count: 0,

Note: Deprecated createStore(context, transitions) API

The previous version of createStore took two arguments: an initial context and an object of event handlers. This API is still supported but deprecated. Here's an example of the old usage:

import { createStore } from '@xstate/store';

const donutStore = createStore(
donuts: 0,
favoriteFlavor: 'chocolate',
addDonut: (context) => ({ ...context, donuts: context.donuts + 1 }),
changeFlavor: (context, event: { flavor: string }) => ({
favoriteFlavor: event.flavor,
eatAllDonuts: (context) => ({ ...context, donuts: 0 }),

We recommend using the new API for better type inference and more explicit configuration.

Transition functions​

A transition function is a function that takes the current context and an event object, and returns:

  • The partial or entire context object to update (if using a function assigner)
  • The context property value to update (if using an object assigner).

For strong typing, you should specify the payload type of the event object in the transition function.

import { createStore } from '@xstate/store';

const store = createStore({
context: { name: 'David', count: 0 },
on: {
updateName: (context, event: { name: string }) => {
return {
inc: {
count: (context, event: { by: number }) => {
return context.count +;

type: 'updateName',
name: 'Jenny', // Strongly-typed as `string`

type: 'inc',
by: 10, // Strongly-typed as `number`

Emitting events​

You can emit events from transitions by using the emit method from the 3rd argument of the transition function:

import { createStore } from '@xstate/store';

const store = createStore({
types: {
emitted: {} as { type: 'incremented'; by: number },
context: { count: 0 },
on: {
inc: (context, event: { by: number }, { emit }) => {
if ( > 0) {
emit({ type: 'incremented', by: });

return {
count: context.count +,

const sub = store.on('incremented', (event) => {
console.log(`Emitted by ${}`);
// => logs "Emitted by 10"

store.send({ type: 'inc', by: 10 });

// Stop listening for emitted events

You can listen for emitted events using the store.on(...) method, which creates a subscription that you can later unsubscribe from. This method is type-safe, ensuring that you receive the correct event object for the emitted event type you're listening for.

Note that you can strongly type emitted events in the types.emitted property of the store config object, just like in XState. This ensures type safety when emitting and listening for events.


Just like with XState, you can use the Inspect API to inspect events sent to the store and state transitions within the store by using the .inspect method:

const store = createStore({
// ...

store.inspect((inspectionEvent) => {
// type: '@xstate.snapshot' or
// type: '@xstate.event'

The .inspect(…) method returns a subscription object:

const sub = store.inspect((inspectionEvent) => {

// Stop listening for inspection events

You can use the Stately Inspector to inspect and visualize the state of the store.

import { createBrowserInspector } from '@statelyai/inspect';
import { createStore } from '@xstate/store';

const store = createStore({
// ...

const inspector = createBrowserInspector({
// ...


Using Immer​

If you want to use Immer to update the context, you can do so by passing in the produce function as the first argument to createStoreWithProducer(producer, …).

import { createStoreWithProducer } from '@xstate/store';
import { produce } from 'immer';

const store = createStoreWithProducer(
// Producer
context: { count: 0, todos: [] },
on: {
inc: (context, event: { by: number }) => {
// No return; handled by Immer
context.count +=;
addTodo: (context, event: { todo: string }) => {
// No return; handled by Immer

// ...

Note that you cannot use the object assigner syntax when using createStoreFromProducer(…), nor is it even necessary.

Usage with React​

If you are using React, you can use the useSelector(store, selector) hook to subscribe to the store and get the current state.

import { createStore } from '@xstate/store';
import { useSelector } from '@xstate/store/react';

// Create a store
const store = createStore({
context: { count: 0, name: 'David' },
on: {
inc: {
count: (context) => context.count + 1,

// Use the `useSelector` hook to subscribe to the store
function Component(props) {
const count = useSelector(store, (state) => state.context.count);

// This component displays the count and has a button to increment it
return (
// highlight-start Count: {count}
<button onClick={() => store.send({ type: 'inc' })}>Increment</button>

A store can be shared with multiple components, which will all receive the same snapshot from the store instance. Stores are useful for global state management.

Usage with Solid​

Documentation coming soon!

Using XState Store with XState​

You may notice that stores are very similar to actors in XState. This is very much by design. XState's actors are very powerful, but may also be too complex for simple use cases, which is why @xstate/store exists.

However, if you have existing XState code, and you enjoy the simplicity of creating store logic with @xstate/store, you can use the fromStore(context, transitions) actor logic creator to create XState-compatible store logic that can be passed to the createActor(storeLogic) function:

import { fromStore } from '@xstate/store';
import { createActor } from 'xstate';

// Instead of:
// const store = createStore( ... };
const storeLogic = fromStore({
context: { count: 0, incremented: false /* ... */ },
on: {
inc: {
count: (context, event) => context.count + 1,
// Static values do not need to be wrapped in a function
incremented: true,

const store = createActor(storeLogic);
store.subscribe((snapshot) => {

type: 'inc',

In short, you can convert createStore(…) to fromStore(…) just by changing one line of code. Note that fromStore(…) returns store logic, and not a store actor instance. Store logic is passed to createActor(storeLogic) to create a store actor instance:

// Instead of:
// const store = createStore({
const storeLogic = fromStore({
context: {
// ...
on: {
// ...

// Create the store (actor)
const storeActor = createActor(storeLogic);

Using fromStore(…) to create store actor logic also has the advantage of allowing you to provide input by using a context function that takes in the input and returns the initial context:

import { fromStore } from '@xstate/store';

const storeLogic = fromStore({
context: (initialCount: number) => ({
count: initialCount,
on: {
// ...

const actor = createActor(storeLogic, {
input: 42,

Converting stores to state machines​

If you have a store that you want to convert to a state machine in XState, you can convert it in a straightforward way:

  1. Use createMachine(…) (imported from xstate) instead of createStore(…) (imported from @xstate/store) to create a state machine.
  2. Wrap the assignments in an assign(…) action creator (imported from xstate) and move that to the actions property of the transition.
  3. Destructure context and event from the first argument instead of them being separate arguments.

For example, here is our store before conversion:

import { createMachine } from 'xstate';

// 1. Use `createMachine(…)` instead of `createStore(…)`
const store = createStore({
context: { count: 0, name: 'David' },
on: {
inc: {
// 2. Wrap the assignments in `assign(…)`
// 3. Destructure `context` and `event` from the first argument
count: (context, event: { by: number }) => context.count +,

const machine = createMachine({
// ...

And here is the store as a state machine after conversion:

import { createMachine } from 'xstate';

// const store = createStore(
// { count: 0, name: 'David' },
// {
// inc: {
// count: (context, event: { by: number }) => context.count +
// }
// });

// 1. Use `createMachine(…)` instead of `createStore(…)`
const machine = createMachine({
context: {
count: 0,
name: 'David',
on: {
inc: {
// 2. Wrap the assignments in `assign(…)`
actions: assign({
// 3. Destructure `context` and `event` from the first argument
count: ({ context, event }) => context.count +,

For stronger typing, use the setup(…) function to strongly type the context and events:

import { setup } from 'xstate';

const machine = setup({
types: {
context: {} as { count: number; name: string },
events: {} as { type: 'inc'; by: number },
// Same as the previous example


This section compares XState Store to other popular state management libraries in TypeScript. It is meant for reference purposes only, and not intended to favor one approach over the other. The examples are copied from Zustand's comparison docs.

Compare to Zustand​


import { create } from 'zustand';

type State = {
count: number;

type Actions = {
increment: (qty: number) => void;
decrement: (qty: number) => void;

const useCountStore = create<State & Actions>((set) => ({
count: 0,
increment: (qty: number) =>
set((state) => ({
count: state.count + qty,
decrement: (qty: number) =>
set((state) => ({
count: state.count - qty,

const Component = () => {
const count = useCountStore((state) => state.count);
const increment = useCountStore((state) => state.increment);
const decrement = useCountStore((state) => state.decrement);
// ...

XState Store

import { createStore } from '@xstate/store';
import { useSelector } from '@xstate/store/react';

const store = createStore({
context: {
count: 0,
on: {
increment: (context, { qty }: { qty: number }) => ({
count: context.count + qty,
decrement: (context, { qty }: { qty: number }) => ({
count: context.count - qty,

const Component = () => {
const count = useSelector(store, (state) => state.context.count);
const increment = (qty) => store.send({ type: 'increment', qty });
const decrement = (qty) => store.send({ type: 'decrement', qty });
// ...