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6 posts tagged with “tutorial”

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3 minute read

David Khourshid

React developers often need to share state between components. While the useMachine(...) hook provides a convenient way to represent local state as a state machine, it’s not very feasible for shared or global state. Thankfully, @xstate/react’s createActorContext(machine) function, released in @xstate/react@3.1.0, is a convenient way to share state machines globally in any React application.

9 minute read

Matt Pocock

Modelling using statecharts changed my career as a dev. Of all the state management solutions I’ve tried, it feels the most complete, logical and robust. Even if you don’t use them in your app’s code, statecharts let you break down complex features into states, events, services, actions and guards.

5 minute read

Matt Pocock

XState and TypeScript are a match made in heaven. TypeScript gives you type safety, and XState gives you logical safety. Together, they give you confidence that your code will do what you expect.

However, we’ve been hearing from the community for some time that the experience of using TypeScript with XState needed improving.

Today's your lucky day. XState’s TypeScript experience just got an enormous upgrade.