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One post tagged with “webdev”

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5 minute read

Matt Pocock

Many React applications follow the Flux architecture popularised by Redux. This setup can be characterised by a few key ideas:

  1. It uses a single object at the top of your app which stores all application state, often called the store.
  2. It provides a single dispatch function which can be used to send messages up to the store. Redux calls these actions, but I'll be calling them events - as they're known in XState.
  3. How the store responds to these messages from the app are expressed in pure functions - most often in reducers.

This article won't go into depth on whether the Flux architecture is a good idea. David Khourshid's article Redux is half a pattern goes into great detail here. For the purposes of this article, we're going to assume that you like having a global store, and you want to replicate it in XState.