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4 posts tagged with “typescript”

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5 minute read

Gavin Bauman

At Stately, the Actor Model is one of our favorite programming paradigms, and we think it’s for good reason! The actor model allows developers to build reliable message-based systems by using actors to communicate. This works extremely well with state machines and statecharts, which can also be modeled as actors and can communicate much in the same ways. Read on to learn what the actor model is, the problems it seeks to solve, and how you can use it in your projects to communicate reliably across different entities.

2 minute read

Matt Pocock

Around a month ago, we released TypeScript Typegen - an enormous upgrade to the TypeScript experience for XState.

We’ve had a great response to it so far, but it’s only been available for VSCode users.

Until now. With our new XState CLI, you can get Typegen from the command line.

5 minute read

Matt Pocock

XState and TypeScript are a match made in heaven. TypeScript gives you type safety, and XState gives you logical safety. Together, they give you confidence that your code will do what you expect.

However, we’ve been hearing from the community for some time that the experience of using TypeScript with XState needed improving.

Today's your lucky day. XState’s TypeScript experience just got an enormous upgrade.

2 minute read

Matt Pocock

XState offers two options for declaring machine definitions:

import { Machine } from 'xstate';

const machine = Machine({ ...config });


import { createMachine } from 'xstate';

const machine = createMachine({ ...config });

This can be confusing for beginners. Why are there two very similar-looking methods? What’s the difference?