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4 posts tagged with “machines”

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5 minute read

Gavin Bauman
Parker McMullin

TIDEFI turns to Stately to build a resilient financial platform that prioritizes user-friendly transactions and investments.

The Stately team had the pleasure of sitting down with Parker McMullin, Senior Frontend Lead at TIDEFI, to discuss how our logic modeling and visualization tooling helped him manage app complexity and onboarding in TIDEFI’s financial services platform. Parker was so kind as to provide his experiences below, covering the very beginnings of his project from design to development as well as the challenges encountered and how other Stately users came to his aid. He shares his firsthand experiences applying modern software design patterns to his project, engaging with the technical community, and proving instrumental in shaping the direction of XState V5. We’re honored to have Parker in our community, and we hope his words can inspire teams to better navigate complexity in their own apps!

5 minute read

Gavin Bauman

The Stately team is very excited to announce a new feature we’ve been working on for quite some time! Join us in welcoming Stately Sky to the Studio. Lovingly built with PartyKit, Sky is our new serverless platform for running workflows within the Studio. With Sky, users may now run their statecharts as live machines in minutes, complete with XState v5 actors and multiplayer support.