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2 posts tagged with “actor model”

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18 minute read

David Khourshid

Today, we’re happy to finally release XState v5! This is a new major version of XState focusing on actors and helping you get started with XState faster and more easily than previous versions.

State machine transitions may take zero time, but transitioning from XState v4 to v5 took a long time. We released XState v4 in October 2018 and have been working on the next major version of XState for most of the years since. With over 25k stars on GitHub, 1 million weekly downloads on npm, and an amazing community, we’ve been able to listen to and learn from those using XState in production and create a version that is more powerful yet simpler (and smaller!) than ever before.

5 minute read

Gavin Bauman

At Stately, the Actor Model is one of our favorite programming paradigms, and we think it’s for good reason! The actor model allows developers to build reliable message-based systems by using actors to communicate. This works extremely well with state machines and statecharts, which can also be modeled as actors and can communicate much in the same ways. Read on to learn what the actor model is, the problems it seeks to solve, and how you can use it in your projects to communicate reliably across different entities.