Watch our latest office hours live stream where we cover new features including Stately Inspect, GitHub Sync, Sources, and our roadmap for 2024.
Watch the video to find out about our new features and plans for 2024. Use the links below to jump straight to that chapter in the video:
- 0:00 Intro
- 0:19 Team intros
- 1:26 Stately Studio parity with Stately viz
- 4:31 statelyai/inspect
- 10:01 GitHub Sync
- 29:07 How do you visualize child actors?
- 30:50 Sources
- 35:37 What’s your favorite way to deploy state machines?
- 39:49 Generate a festive Pacman machine using AI
- 40:13 Our roadmap for 2024
- 43:58 Festive pacman continued
- 44.24 WebStorm extension or desktop app?
- 45:35 Can we have more complex types in context?
- 47:04 Can guards assign new data to the machine state?
- 50:52 How to stay updated with the Stately team
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