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Learn Stately with our new editor videos

Laura Kalbag

We’ve just released a new way for new users to learn Stately. We know that the learning curve is one of the biggest challenges you face when adopting state machines in your teams. We’ve designed our Learn Stately guidance and accompanying tutorials to introduce the basic concepts of state machines, demonstrate how to build them, simulate them, export them to code, and implement them with the exported code.

Learn Stately modal in the editor, with a video of the editor in action.Learn Stately modal in the editor, with a video of the editor in action.

Learn Stately guidance

The highlight of our Learn Stately guidance is two short videos (less than 8 minutes total!) that provide a step-by-step guide to using Stately and cover the basics of state machines. The videos demonstrate how to build state machines, and the practical examples show you how to use our key features.

The Learn Stately guidance is triggered automatically when a new user visits the Stately editor or if they haven’t viewed the guidance before. You can also relaunch the modal anytime from the Editor menu by selecting Help > Learn Stately or from the Help drawer by selecting Learn Stately.

Updated tutorials

We’ve also updated the tutorials in the Help drawer. We designed the tutorials as a refresher for the concepts learned in the videos and a quick start guide to Stately. They offer a brief overview of the features and functions of Stately, including how to create, edit, and simulate state machines.

You can always check out our Stately and XState docs if you need further tutorials and examples. The docs cover everything from the basics of state machines to advanced implementation with XState.

We’d love your feedback.

The new Learn Stately guidance and accompanying tutorials will hopefully make it easier than ever for new users to get started with state machines. We’d love your feedback about the videos and tutorials. Please let us know if they’ve helped and what other information you and your team need to get started with state machines. You can request features, docs, and examples on our feedback board. Or let us know on our social channels below: